26 September. 2014

Double page update! And I know many non-Nordics are baffled about how these people who are supposed to speak different languages seem to understand each other, so here's the trick: Danish, Swedish and Norwegian are really, really similar languages. There's some pronunciation and miscommunication issues, but so far Lalli is the only real "problem". There's actually a couple of info pages coming up about the five Nordic languages that'll help you non-local readers get a better view of the situation. That'll be in just a couple of weeks, I'm finishing up the second one of them right now. :3

And eeee, we already reached the first stretch goal? that was fast, I didn't think I'd have to move kitty forward on the graph quite this soon. Uh, I'll update it tomorrow. But now a short bonus comic scene totalling 3 pages will be added to the book! It'll be book-exclusive (included both in the physical and PDF versions), but I promise there won't be any plot relevant information that could leave non-book buyers in the dark, just some cute and fun scene. And the next stretch goal is: the walkthrough on how I draw the comic pages!

Well, See you all on Monday. thank you so much for reading the comic!