20 November. 2014

Chapter end! As you long-timers know, these breaks are usually 2-3 weeks, this time I'm throwing in an extra half week for myself as a Christmas break, so 3,5 weeks in total! But I'm going to split this break into two parts: 2,5 week break now (to revive that very much dead page buffer) and I'll cash in that third week during Christmas instead ( because I'll hopefully be moving to Finland around that time so it'll be nice to have the time put aside then.) I'm also splitting this up because I don't want anyone to croak from comic withdrawal by making the wait for chapter 5 over three weeks in one cruel sitting!

And I'll ease the wait a little more by posting the chapter cover sometime next week, so remember to swing around then! In the meantime withdrawal may be managed in the friendly little fan forum over there *points to left sidebar*. The next chapter will be awesome! Thanks for reading, especially all you new readers who have stumbled across this comic during the last few months. :3

*Edit* As per request, here's what these last two pages will look like together in the book:

book version