24 December. 2014

Huh, looks like it's the 24th, merry christmas and so forth guys. I hope you're having a good time, and if you're not I hope this update will cheer you up. Myself... well, I'm just having a normal day, working on the next SSSS page and eating normal food. I was planning on ubying myself a cake to at keep up some resemblance of festivity but mehhh, I forgot. (Seriously though, how does someone forget to buy themselves a cake? What's more important than cake?! Who isn't constantly thinking about cake when they're at the grocery store??!)

So yeah, it's my very first christmas away from family, aaaalll on my own. Not that it really matters, I'll get to go back home soon enough (next week actually, and that's also when I'll keep my brief holiday break that I promised so heads up!). Working and/or being alone during major holidays is also like another stepping stone into being a proper adult, so yay for that I guess.

Anyway, have a good christmas eve if you live in a country where the 24th is the main deal. Otherwise have a good waiting-for-the-25th-day, and see you all tomorrow with the next page!