25 February. 2015

I suppose this is the opposite of a cover or something, I made it for the book and felt like posting it here too, because why not? And that's right, this is where the first SSSS book will end, instead of before the last chapter. I didn't want to promise anything until I knew just how long chapter 5 would end up being, because if it ran too long I simply couldn't include it due to the added weight/shipping cost. But now I know the final page count, and with the book clocking out at around 320 pages (instead of the previous 260) I have made the informed decision to throw in this fifth chapter too. Yaaay~ I think it'll be a much nicer book in the end, and I'm sure I won't regret this decision years down the line. :3

Another book-related thing to look forward to: I'm going to write the last remaining things on the tutorial thingie for the back of the book and send it to the backers either this weekend or early next week, then post it here on the site later next week. So there's that incoming to ease the chapter break a little bit.

That's all for today, the chapter cover will be up on Friday. I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out (almost finished painting it!) and I think you'll like it too~