20 November 2015

And that's Friday, I'm afraid we'll have to wait until next week to find out find out if he's alright and the state of Sigrun's arm there (she's clearly doing well enough to be barking out orders though.) And poor Kitty, stuck in the terrible cold snow. And make sure to scroll all the way to the right again!

Alsooo, I almost just forgot: the digital E-book version of the first SSSS book is now available for sale over here. The physical book will probably/hopefully be available soon too, just waiting for the crates to arrive at the fulfillment warehouse.

But there's the e-book for all of you who were waiting for it! It contains all the content from the physical book, including the 6-page book-exclusive bonus comic at the end and the drawing process walkthrough (which I will put up on the site here some day, I promise!). On top of that the spread layouts are the same as in the book, which means double pages will have their original layouts rather than the kinda chopped up and rearranged versions that I post online. And finally as a tiny detail the pages are just a little bit larger than the online ones, for those of you who'd like them a tad bigger. So that's the e-book, yay!

Have a good weekend everyone, I think I'm going to try sleeping all of tomorrow because why not when I have the chance.