3 July 2017

And that's the end of this chapter. Thanks for all the kind comments on the previous page, they mean a lot to me after such a tough scene to post. But now it's time for the usual chapter break, giving some time to breath and relax for all of us. The break will be either 2.5 weeks or a full 3 weeks, depending on how fast/slow I manage to get some work done. More info below, pertaining to... the upcoming printing of book 2!

Yes, the time is approaching: work has begun to organize a Kickstater for printing SSSS book 2, with the help of the kind folks over at Hiveworks. That's why this chapter break is going to be about a week longer than usual, I have a lot of work that needs to be done for that. First I'll be prepping all the pages for book 2 for print (fix margins, adjust colors to be okay for printing etc),then drawing the cover and a bunch of rewards so the good people at Hiveworks can start setting up the Kickstarter. So no dates or anything yet, tons of prep work to be done, but the wheels are in motion. I know a lot of you have been waiting for it!

As usual I'll still post something each week during the break, and the cover of the chapter will be up next Monday. See you then, and I'll probably also know exactly which date the chapter can start at that point.